Common Alipay Error Messages

Here are all the error messages we've seen for customers making payments via the Stripe + Alipay integration.

Business Transaction Information Incomplete

You should contact Stripe to ensure that Alipay is activated on your account. After receiving a successful payment, Alipay will appear here in your Stripe Dashboard Settings:

Secondary Merchant Status Error

Please refer to Stripe's documentation for the reason of this error:

Attempting Alipay Checkout in the WeChat Native Browser

If your customer attempts to checkout with Alipay in the WeChat APP's native browser, they'll likely encounter this error below, which requires that the customer should copy and paste the URL into another mobile browser to complete payment.

Soon, we plan to implement a workaround that will detect the WeChat native browser and attempt to force or redirect the customer to another mobile browser so as to prevent this issue.

Alipay Checkout May Fail When Scanning Desktop QR Code

We have discovered an issue that is known by Stripe and being worked on by their team in collaboration with Alipay.

When customers attempt to scan the QR code generated on a desktop device, they may receive the following error:


"The order information cannot be read, it is recommended to contact the seller."

Suggested workaround:

While Stripe/Alipay resolve this issue, please request your customers to fully complete the checkout process on your website via their mobile device (leave the desktop out of the checkout flow).

As soon as Stripe/Alipay fix this issue, it will work automatically and no update will be needed to the plugin or your site.

Last updated