Common WeChat Pay Error Messages

Here are all the error messages we've seen for customers making payments via the Stripe + WeChat Pay integration.

WeChat QR Code doesn't support "long-press"

Seeing this error means that long-pressing the QR code and trying to extract its data is not a method supported by the Stripe + WeChat Pay integration.

Your customers should attempt to physically scan the QR code with the camera function on the WeChat mobile APP.

Customers Need Verified WeChat Accounts

The Stripe integration used by our plugin only supports payments from verified WeChat Pay accounts. Generally, these are accounts owned by Chinese citizens or citizens with a national ID from a country where WeChat officially operates.

Unverified WeChat users will receive an error message when attempting to make a payment. This is the error message they will see:

Scanning a QR Code from a Screenshot

The Merchant has completed unusual activity. Currently unable to complete payment by scanning a QR code in a photo.

This means the customer attempted to import the payment QR code into WeChat as a screenshot, which is not supported. Customers must complete checkout by physically scanning the QR code with the camera function in the WeChat app.

The payment method type "wechat_pay" is invalid. Please ensure the provided type is activated in your dashboard

You may see this method on WooCommerce checkout when WeChat Pay or Alipay are not properly enabled on your Stripe account. Please contact (or live chat via dashboard) to get WeChat Pay or Alipay enabled on your account. Typically, these options can be found in your Stripe Payment Method Settings.

You can also read our other relevant documentation on this error:

Why can't I activate Alipay or WeChat Pay in my Stripe account?

Last updated